
International Briefing on Engineering and Engineering Development (ICETD)

Published by Universitas Bandar Lampung

ISSN : 23015690     EISSN : -     DOI : -

Core Discipline : Science, Technology,

In this proceeding contains papers that get submitted and presented at the International Conference on Technology and Engineering Development, 2013. Conference organized by the Bandar Lampung University on 27-29 August 2013, held at the graduate campus, Bandar Lampung University.

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Articles 40 Documents

Search results for , result "2014: 3rd ICETD 2014" : 40 Documents articulate

Prototype Model Nomenclature System Level Internal Audit Findings Based on Instance-Based Reasoning in Didactics Quality Direction


Febrianti, Maria Shusanti
International Conference on Engineering and Engineering science Development (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014

Publisher :

Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

Prove Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (632.349 KB)

This research aims to clinch and improve the quality of educational activity in educational institutions in the process of implementing the internal audit continuity with the nomenclature based on audit findings CBR (Case Base Reasoning). Considering there are times when the auditor is less precise in determining the appropriate classification level in giving findings on the findings resulting from the audit process itself. Levels of these findings consists of Major and Minor deficiency findings deficiency findings. Major deficiency findings that internal command weaknesses in the company which resulted in barriers to an organization on a unit within the system to achieve the goals set. While Small-scale deficiency findings of internal control weaknesses in the company, which, although not to obstruct the achievement of the objectives of an organizational unit but need to be reported to direction because if not corrected could injure the company. In classifying the audit findings, the accountant should be given a long experience (case) in social club to solve or make predictions about what might happen in a new situation or a problem with comparing the one-time and adjusting   to the situation to meet where   the  new state of affairs is most    suitable, it    requires    Case-Based     reasoning   means reasoning based on remembering  previous   experiences, a new problem is     solved by   considering    the solution     of old  problems  and  so  adapt  the  solutionto  find the  requirement softoday's bug.

E-Annal : Digital Storage Media Vandika, Arnes Yuli


Kurniawan, Ade


Saputra, Ari Kurniawan
International Conference on Engineering science and Technology Development (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014

Publisher :

Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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In the digital age that is increasingly sophisticated, that have an bear on on all aspects of our daily lives, one of them is on the filing system on the experience the more effective and efficient, which previously used the closet as storage media, nosotros can now utilize electronics as the storage media archives. Application of the method of filing electronically in an institution is required to support the activities of archiving that achieved effectiveness and efficiency in the management, as well as being able to secure the archives that have important information or value for its users. In the implementation of an electronic archive, blazon of media used all kinds such as Electronic mail, DVD 's, microfilm and other electronic media. To back up the activities of the application required a good infrastructure and facilities for monitoring and maintenance so that the planned goals are accomplished. It also needed a organisation that is appropriate for the application that is executed is supported by personnel competent in the field of archiving, as well as having the skills and capabilities that support the implementation of electronic filing.

Portal Website Analysis Using ISO / IEC 9126-4 Metric Effectiveness (Case Written report Indonesia Wi-Fi Portal Website) Jumrotuhuda, Refky
International Briefing on Technology and Engineering Development (ICETD) 2014: third ICETD 2014

Publisher :

Bandar Lampung Academy (UBL)

Testify Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Bank check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.301 KB)

According to the increasing of human necessity, Development of applied science have to bring the same increasing in club to support and facilitate every activity in all sorts of the man life. Cyberspace is the ane of the real outcome from the development of engineering science. Indonesia Wi-Fi is a public net network server based on Wi-Fi/Hotspot technology developed by TELKOM Group and other related operator to the TELKOM enterprise. Portal website of Republic of indonesia Wi-Fi is used as a portal for user to connect the internet network. In social club to develop this portal website for the better service, a correct and pledge data. The quality in employ of this portal website accept to be evaluated. One of the standards can be used to evaluate this portal website is ISO/IEC 9126-4 Effectiveness metrics. ISO/IEC 9126-4 Effectiveness metrics is an international standard published by ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) and IEC (International Electro-technical Commission) to measure the quality in utilize of software in effectiveness aspect. In this inquiry, portal website of Indonesia Wi-Fi measured using ISO/IEC 9126-4 Effectiveness metrics. The measurement result show score 1 in Job Effectiveness metric, score ane in Task Completion metric and score i in Fault Frequency metric. The results show that portal website of Indonesia Wi-Fi is good quality using ISO/IEC 9126-iv Effectiveness metrics measurement.

Design of Lampung Bay Waterfront Using Poetic Architecture Approach Ishar, Shofia Islamia


Syahroni, Muhammad
International Briefing on Engineering and Technology Evolution (ICETD) 2014: tertiary ICETD 2014

Publisher :

Bandar Lampung Academy (UBL)

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Lampung Bay is one of the precious natural elements in Bandar Lampung. The character, the wealth of seafood, and the beauty of the landscape are a good authority that can be synergies to the city life. Preservation and beauty of Lampung Bay may improve the environmental quality of the urban center so that the need to maintain its existence becomes very urgent.Unfortunately the existence of Lampung Bay has not been appreciated as a valuable natural asset. Information technology conditions is neglected and overflowing trash. The perception that the water area every bit a“behind" area or effluent areais prevail then it needs deliberate action to alter this perception by doing a waterfront oriented design in Lampung Bay.Waterfront oriented blueprint in Lampung Bay as well requires an appropriate approach in club to create sustainability to preserve the nature. Poetic Architectureis selected as the well-nigh appropriate approach because it tin can cause a sense of honey to the nature by displaying the grandeur of the nature through architecture and activities that can grant appreciation to the nature..

Minimum Organization Design of Android Based PSTN Phone Kiatama, Deo


Halim, Fransiscus Ati


Aribowo, Arnold
International Conference on Engineering science and Applied science Development (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014

Publisher :

Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

Bear witness Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (754.837 KB)

PSTN phone is static. However, with the development of Android based device, wireless figurer network and minimum organization, it is possible to make a PSTN phone mobile. To add the mobility behavior in PSTN phone, a inquiry to develop Android based PSTN phone is needed. Android based device volition deed as a remote command for the PSTN phone and can be used to brand and accept a telephone call from distance.This paper elaborates the Android based PSTN phone design. To test the system performance, two parts of testing are performed. Offset is testing the Android based PSTN telephone remote control arrangement and second is testing the digital vocalization streaming system between Android device and minimum arrangement using UDP protocol over wireless computer network. PSTN telephone remote command arrangement is tested for its functionality while digital voice streaming arrangement is tested for its quality by giving a sinusoidal signal to the organization and comparison the input signal with output betoken using oscilloscope.According to the examination, Android based PSTN phone prototype is able to brand a connexion and disconnection of Android device (every bit client) with microcontroller (equally server), make a connectedness with machine server discovery organization, make a call, receive a call, and utilize redial and hold functions with 100% success rate in certain condition. However, it is shown that the quality of vocalization sent from Android phone to Arduino module is poor due to the limited size of buffer in Arduino, but on the other way effectually the quality of vocalisation sent from Arduino to Android phone is good.

Impact of Motor Vehicle Emissions on Air Quality in Urban and Sub Urban Expanse Karim, A. Ikhsan


SUGITO, Sugito
International Conference on Technology and Technology Evolution (ICETD) 2014: tertiary ICETD 2014

Publisher :

Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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1 of the effects of evolution and growth in urban areas is the increasing number of vehicles from yr to year . Improved transportation needs to support the activities of the customs , the problems faced by large cities today . Along with these problems , the virtually crucial in the presence of the number of vehicles is the problem of congestion .Vehicle congestion and concentrated on a spot will cause air pollution . Air pollution comes from motor vehicle frazzle emissions contain toxic substances that are harmful to human being wellness , among others , CO, HC, CO2, SOx, NOx, PM10 .JICA study said 70 % of air pollution occurs in urban contributed from motor vehicles , and the remaining 30% are caused by industrial and household activities .Based on these facts , the government sought to proceed to make prevention of air pollution in accord with the mandate of Law No. 32/2009 about Protection and Direction of the Environment and Government Regulation No. 41/1999 virtually Air Pollution Control. In addition , more specific regulation No.5/MENLH/2006 , regulates the Threshold Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emissions that can be used as a legal footing so that exhaust emissions from motor vehicles do not pollute the air . Air pollution control efforts are primarily aimed at improving air quality for human life.Referring to the importance of the above bug , this written report will examine the effect of vehicle emissions on air quality in Urban and Sub- Urban areas in the city of Bandar Lampung.This study uses chief and secondary data , which begins with a review of the concept of the evolution of Bandar Lampung city transport system , and so analysis the influence of motor vehicle exhaust emissions , especially gas CO , SO2 and NO2 air quality in urban and sub-urban aras.The results of this study volition show how much influence the motor vehicle exhaust emissions on ambient air quality in urban and sub-urban areas . It is expected Bandar Lampung city authorities can prefer policies to reduce air pollution from transportation Activities.

Traditional Market Revitalization every bit an Urban Catalyst in the City of Surakarta Aliyah, Istijabatul


Setioko, Bambang


Pradoto, Wisnu
International Briefing on Applied science and Technology Development (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014

Publisher :

Bandar Lampung Academy (UBL)

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Current development in Surakarta downtown today indicates that traditional markets take improved themselves in both concrete and non-physical aspects. Various revitalization efforts have been made by the government and traders customs to improve services and comfort of traditional markets. The efforts kickoff from the market façade revitalization, restoration and the overall development of market; upwards to social activities, competition between traders or large celebrations in the neighbourhood market. This research was conducted in Surakarta, which is aimed at: identifying the function of traditional market revitalization efforts in the development of a city. This study employs several methods of analysis, namely: 1) Spatial analysis for mapping the distribution of traditional markets in the urban center constellation, two) Category-Based Analysis (CBA) to classify the revitalization of traditional markets that has an influence in the development of the urban center, and 3) Interactive Method of Analysis. The results of this study indicate that the presence of a constellation of traditional markets in Surakarta is dominated by the presence of Gede Market, not just equally the oldest traditional market, but also as a center of economic and socio-cultural activities of the community. The role of traditional market revitalization in the development of a town is as an Urban Catalyst towards a MICE city in the sense that the revitalization effort, even done in a relatively curt time and not yet covering the overall objects, is able to institute make image of Surakarta as a city of civilisation which is friendly and ready to be MICE tourism city.

An Analysis Perspective Implemented Text Mining Analytics Information Extraction For Impect of Indonesian Social Media Suryana, Agus


Ipnuwati, Sri
International Briefing on Technology and Technology Development (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014

Publisher :

Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

Bear witness Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.83 KB)

The development and growth of the Indonesian nation-edifice which consists of various cultures and religions changed the mode the public life of the state and the nation of Indonesia. Social media plays an important role in the ideological aspect, the social aspect, cultural aspect, the religious aspects, and aspects of defence and security of the ethnic diversity of the community. Social  media is the social interaction among people in which they create, share or substitution data and ideas in virtual communities and networks. While the future of social media is uncertain, electric current trends suggest that in that location they will become increasingly widely adopted. Our research focuses on the perspective of the influence of social media and the evolution of those aspects that bear upon the people of Indonesia past using text mining and information extraction.

Prototype Topology SDN for Elementary Network Campus Vandika, Arnes Yuli
International Conference on Engineering and Engineering science Development (ICETD) 2014: third ICETD 2014

Publisher :

Bandar Lampung Academy (UBL)

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The apply of advice networks is increasingly felt increasingly sophisticated. This can be seen with the use of innovative network infrastructure that provides connectedness services to users. Virtual service network tin be a image of a software-based network logic in this case is a software-defined network. This software is open source-based or a lot of the paid version. Where this software serves as a span between networks that apply routers or router software logic. Using a software-defined network on the router logic can exist made very flexible and easy to integrate with a stable status.

Implementation Case Based Reasoning In Determining The Rational Prescription Of TB Drugs Cucus, Ahmad
International Conference on Engineering science and Technology Evolution (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014

Publisher :

Bandar Lampung Academy (UBL)

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Case Based Reasoning has been widely practical in many artificial intelligence, proficient systems and well shaped decision back up systems that help determination-makers to have the right decisions. The use of CBR to diagnose the disease have as well been fabricated by several previous researchers. Yet another problem arises, namely the utilize of drugs that are not rational.

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